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C++ Using Abstract Classes in Template Classes

Suppose I have a template class such as:

template <class type, size>
class myTemplate

and I had an abstract base class:

class myDataType

and various derived classes

class subDataType1 : public myDataType
class subDataType2 : public myDataType
class subDataTypeN : public myDataType

What I WANT to do, is call:

 myTemplate<myDataType, size> myObject;

However, this obviously doesn't work, because inside the template, I would be instantiating an object of an abstract class. Basically, I want the template to work with either of my derived classes, but I don't know how to mechanize this (coming from Java where "solutions" or workarounds such as type wildcards and "Object", for example, may have allowed me to at least get past the compiler's checks).

What I really want, is without altering my template class, allow multiple data types without instantiating multiple objects of my template class.

I should mention that I'm aware that the solution to this likely involves a call such as:

 myTemplate<myDataType*, size> myObject

But I'll likely need more details than that, as I'm new to C++ (I don't know what I don't know).

I don't quite understand what you are asking, but if you need a quick work around instead of creating the class as abstract one of the cool features in c++ is virtual vs. pure virtual. If you leave your functions as virtual you will need to provide a definition for the function. if you make them pure virtual you will have to define them in inherited classes.

Here is what it looks like:

template <class type, size>
class myTemplate
    virtual void foo();


void myTemplate::foo()

This allows the function foo to be overwritten by inherited classes without throwing compiler errors for un defined abstract classes.

Coming from Java you need to understand that templates in C++ are not like generics in Java, more precisely templates are compile-time generics.

Everything that has something to do with a template or is a template exists only at compile-time as such when you do things like myTemplate<myDataType, size> myObject; there are actually two things that happen:

1.At compile-time when myDataType and size are substituted to the template, which in turn is instantiated to create a type. This type's name is myTemplate<myDataType*, size> and is the only this is the type with which you work at run-time.

2.At run-time the created type (myTemplate) is instantiated in order to create an object of that type.

What we can note from this is that a template instantiated with different template arguments will produce totally different types available at run-time which will not have any relationship between them, the relationship existing only at compile time. This is in contrast to how generics work in java where the generic argument is casted to Object at compile time and later, at run-time is casted to the actual type.

Hope this helped shed some light on C++ templates.

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