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Why Epoxy does not generate model class?

I want to use Epoxy for my recyclerView with kotlin, but Epoxy Model does not generate PostModel_() class, what wrong with it?

@EpoxyModelClass(layout = R.layout.iteam)
abstract class PostModel : EpoxyModelWithHolder<PostModel.PostHolder>() {
  lateinit var userName: String
  lateinit var avatarIcon: Drawable
  lateinit var post: Drawable

  override fun bind(holder: PostHolder) {
    holder.name.text = userName


  class PostHolder : BaseEpoxyHolder() {
    lateinit var name: TextView
    lateinit var avatarIcon: ImageView
    lateinit var post: ImageView


One common mistake when using Epoxy in Kotlin is mixing annotation processing engines. If you copied this from Epoxy's readme:

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.airbnb.android:epoxy:3.x.y'
  // Add the annotation processor if you are using Epoxy's annotations (recommended)
  annotationProcessor 'com.airbnb.android:epoxy-processor:3.x.y'

You probably forgot to apply what they suggest for kotlin users few lines later in the same readme:

make sure to use kapt instead of annotationProcessor

I mistakenly deleted the first line from my model file:

package com.myCustomDomain.myapp.epoxyModel

so the auto generated files were generated with wrong filename.

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