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replace a character in a /etc/passwd file without breaking system using Python

I am trying to harden a Ubuntu system and doing the 2 steps:

  1. Running the following command and verifying no output is returned

grep '^+:' /etc/passwd

  1. If there is a output being returned then Remove any legacy '+' entries from /etc/passwd if they exist.

I have written the following python function :

def passwd_safe():
    file = "/etc/passwd"
    for line in fileinput.input(file,inplace=1):
        if '+' in line:
            line = line.replace('+','')

But it seems like this doesn't work as expected , infact it overwrites the whole /etc/passwd file and leaves the system broken.

You should print the line to standard output:

def passwd_safe():
    file = "/etc/passwd"
    for line in fileinput.input(file,inplace=1):
        if not line.startswith('+'):
            print(line, end='')

Excerpt from fileinput 's documentation :

Optional in-place filtering: if the keyword argument inplace=True is passed to fileinput.input() or to the FileInput constructor, the file is moved to a backup file and standard output is directed to the input file (if a file of the same name as the backup file already exists, it will be replaced silently).

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