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Internal error. java.lang.RuntimeException: com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManager$StartupAbortedException: Fatal error initializing

I find many solution but no one work then i uninstall android studio and download the lastest version and again install but i get this error again. Please tell me the solution of this problem. Error in android studio

Solved this problem.

I empty the plugins at the directory of C:\\Users....AndroidStudio\\config\\plugins and it work normally.

My problem for this on Linux was file permissions as I changed the default ones after extracting the archive. The default permissions are rwx------ for all files and directories. I changed it to rw-r--r-- (644) for all files and rwxr-xrx (755) for directories. This is where I got this error. The fix for me was making *.sh and *.so files executable. So

cd /path/to/IntelliJ
find . -type f -name *.sh -exec chmod 755 '{}' ';'
find . -type f -name *.so -exec chmod 755 '{}' ';'
cd bin

Works fine for me now.

Edit: Actually there was 1 extra step. The binary files inside of the JRE folder need to be executable as well.

cd /path/to/IntelliJ
find jre64/bin/ -type f -exec chmod 755 '{}' ';'

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