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issues running Powershell script on Linux

Following this guide: https://b-blog.info/en/monitoring-azure-resources-with-zabbix.html

On Windows getting output from script, but when executing on Zabbix (Centos 7) just getting only "data". No SELinux, no Firewall

pwsh azure.discovery.sql.databases.ps1 rg 111-222-222244-99

Authentication is working because azure.json contains token and it's identical to file on Windows machine

Installed Powerhell 6.0.2 for Linux

Anything missing here ?

Output from Win 10 Lap-top:

.\2.ps1 rg 111111
    "{#RGNAME}":  "rg",
    "{#ID}":  "/subscriptions/111111/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/mojsql/databases/mojabaza",
    "{#SERVERNAME}":  "mojsql",
    "{#DATABASENAME}":  "mojabaza"

Zabbix is run on as Hyper-V VM hosted on Windows Lap-top from which i can get output

finally found what was issue:

on my lap-top i had to substitute .content.properties with Value (original script didn't yield any results-i first tested it on windows) and just copied it to Linux.

Then just reverted back (replaced Value with .content.properties ) and it started working

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