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How I can access to the next page in django 2.0

I have the following scenery. In the first page there are type of products, when choose specific type it sends to the page of products of the specific type, then when I choose the product it should send me to the page of the product where there is full information about the product. But I can't access the last product page. How I should fix this? My code:


def products_fizlitso(request):

 fizlitso_product = InsuranceProducts.objects.filter(product_type="Физическое 

 context = {'fizlitso_product': fizlitso_product}
 return render(request, 'insurance_products/fizlitso/fizlitso.html', context)

def fizlitso_type(request, type_id):

 product_type = get_object_or_404(InsuranceProducts, id=type_id)

 context = {'product_type': product_type}
 return render(request, 'insurance_products/fizlitso/fizlitso_type.html', 

def product_page(request, product_id):

 product = get_object_or_404(ProductType, id=product_id)

 context = {'product': product}
 return render(request, 'insurance_products/fizlitso/product.html', context)

here is the urls.py:

# ******************************************************************
path('fizlitso/', views.products_fizlitso, name='product_fizlitso'),
# ******************************************************************

# ******************************************************************
path('fizlitso/product_type<int:type_id>', views.fizlitso_type, name='fizlitso_type'),
# ******************************************************************

# ******************************************************************
path('fizlitso/product_type<int:type_id>/product<int:product_id>', views.product_page, name='product_page'),
# ******************************************************************

and here is the django part of the template which holds all the product types:

  {% for product in fizlitso_product %}
  <div class="btmspace-80">
    <h3>{{ product.product_area }}</h3>
    <img class="imgr borderedbox inspace-5" src="{% static 'img/imgr.gif' %}" alt="">
        {{ product.product_description }}

        Подробно вы можете узнать <a href="{% url 'main:fizlitso_type' product.id %}">здесь</a></a>
  {% endfor %}

And here the django part of the template which holds all the products of the specific type:

  {% for product in product_type.producttype_set.all %}
  <div class="btmspace-80">
    <h3>{{ product.title }}</h3>
    <img class="imgr borderedbox inspace-5" src="{% static 'img/imgr.gif' %}" alt="">
        {{ product.description }}

    line 84  <p>
      Подробно вы можете узнать <a href="{% url 'main:product_page' product.id %}">здесь</a></a>
  {% endfor %}

And here is the page about the specific product chosen from above page:

    <div class="btmspace-80">
    <h3>{{ product.title }}</h3>
    <img class="imgr borderedbox inspace-5" src="{% static 'img/imgr.gif' %}" alt="">
        {{ product.description }}

And this one is the error:

NoReverseMatch at /fizlitso/product_type1

Reverse for 'product_page' with arguments '('',)' not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: ['fizlitso\\/product_type(?P[0-9]+)\\/product(?P[0-9]+)$']

C:\\Users\\Lenovo 101\\PycharmProjects\\uzagro_3\\main\\templates\\insurance_products\\fizlitso\\fizlitso_type.html, error at line 84

your url name product_page have two parameters:type_id,product_id

path('fizlitso/product_type<int:type_id>/product<int:product_id>', views.product_page, name='product_page')

you give one?

<a href="{% url 'main:product_page' product.id %}">

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