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C# ASP.NET MVC & Entity Framework 6 throws error “Stored procedure not found”

I've trawled through lots of similar questions and responses but couldn't find what I need so I'd appreciate any help.

I have the stored procedures in the database and it executes fine in SSMS. It is in the model browser for the .edmx :


This is the code that throws the error.

private thisContext db = new thisContext();
var UserId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
var SelectFullProfile = true;

List<UsersSelectProfile_Result> profilelist = null;

profilelist = db.Database.SqlQuery<UsersSelectProfile_Result>(
"dbo.UsersSelectProfile @UserID={0}, @SelectFullProfile={1}",
UserId, SelectFullProfile).ToList();

Thanks for any help.

Looking at the ReadDataUsingStoredProcedure() example at this project

referred to on this tutorial

I think your call should be something like

var profileList = db.UsersSelectProfile(0,1);

You were trying execute a query which was stored procedure. But you were missing a keyword like 'EXEC'. Just add the keyword 'EXEC' before your procedure name then try to execute. It should be work.

It was, as I suspected, all to do with the entity framework, although sorry I cannot pinpoint the issue. I resolved it by regenerating the .edmx, I guess the first time left some corruption in the .edmx

And just for clarity, I didn't need to make any changes to the way I was calling the SPs at all.

I am very grateful to all those who were so forthcoming in their assistance

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