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MySQL SubString to extract exact part

I have a challenge as for my lack of knowledge in SQL.

I have a column in my database where I save this:

 <div class="product-cover" style="border:none;"> <div class="images-container"> <div class="images-container"><img src="https://myurl.com/img/cms/_DSC6641.jpg" title="" alt="" /></div> </div> 

I am trying to extract the string " https://myurl.com/img/cms/_DSC6641.jpg " which is different for every row.

Is it possible to create a query to extract that exact part in between src="..." ?

I am using MySQL/MariaDB


select substring_index(substring_index(col, '<div class="images-container"><img src=', -1), ' ', 1)

I have found a way using the reply from D-Shih

 SELECT SUBSTRING( pl.description, LOCATE('src="',pl.description) + CHAR_LENGTH('src="'), ( LOCATE('" title', pl.description)) - ( LOCATE('src="', pl.description) + CHAR_LENGTH('src="') ) ) as url FROM ps_product p INNER JOIN ps_product_lang pl ON (pl.id_product=p.id_product) 

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