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get all secrets from AWS secret manager

AWS has secret manager which stores secrets. It has the API to get individual secret. I want to fetch all the secrets related to an account at once. Any way we can achieve this?

You can use the method ListSecrets to list all secret metadata excluding SecretString or SecretBinary.

'The encrypted fields SecretString and SecretBinary are not included in the output' in ListSecrets.

If you're trying to fetch all secret values then options might include:

1) Scripting list-secrets and get-secret-value to fetch all secret values. This example will be slow since it's using serial requests.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import json
import subprocess

secrets = json.loads(subprocess.getoutput("aws secretsmanager list-secrets"))
for secret in secrets.values():
    for s in secret:
        name = s.get('Name')
        data = json.loads(subprocess.getoutput("aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id {}".format(name)))
        value = data.get('SecretString')
        print("{}: {}".format(name, value))

2) Use a 3rd party tools such as Summon with its AWS Provider which accepts secrets.yml file and makes async calls to inject secrets into the environment of whatever command you're calling.

I tried to list secrets names in my secrets manager using boto3 python: using list.secrets()

    secrets = secret_client.list_secrets()
    secrets_manager = (secrets['SecretList'])
    for secret in secrets_manager: 
        print ("{0}".format(secret['Name']))

The complete list was around 20, but the output was only around 5 secrets.

Updated the code to below, it worked:

secrets = secret_client.list_secrets()
secrets_manager = (secrets['SecretList'])
while "NextToken" in secrets:
    secrets = secret_client.list_secrets(NextToken=secrets["NextToken"])
for secret in secrets_manager: 
    print ("{0}".format(secret['Name']))

So basically, AWS secrets manager list.secrets() call paginates your output, so it is better to use 'NextToken' as mentioned in https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/reference/services/secretsmanager.html#SecretsManager.Client.list_secrets

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