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Copying buffer data in real time

I am trying to send incoming microphone audio from Unity to Wwise in real time. I have a "producer thread" and a "consumer thread". I am trying to copy my incoming buffer from the producer to the consumer.

// Unity callback on microphone input (“producer thread“)
void OnAudioFilterRead(float[] data, int channels)
    // acquire ownership of mutex and buffer

    // copy samples to buffer (de–interleave channels)
    for (int i = 0; i < data.Length / channels; i++)
        buffer.Add(data[i * channels]);

    // release ownership of mutex and buffer

// Wwise callback that sends buffered samples to Wwise (“consumer thread“)
bool AudioSamplesDelegate(uint playingID, uint channelIndex, float[] samples)
    // acquire ownership of mutex and buffer

    // copy samples from buffer to temporary block
    int blockSize = Math.Min(buffer.Count, samples.Length);
    List<float> block = buffer.GetRange(0, blockSize);
    buffer.RemoveRange(0, blockSize);

    // release ownership of mutex and buffer (release mutex as quickly as possible)

    // copy samples from temporary block to output array

    // Return false to indicate that there is no more data to provide. This will also stop the associated event.
    return IsPlaying;

This works but the audio I get from Wwise is glitchy. Any inputs on the best method to do this/improve this? Are circular buffers the way to go?

I think use multiple buffers instead of a large one to reduce synchronous time will be helpful.

// Create a thread-safed queue
Queue bufferQueue = Queue.Synchronized(new Queue());
List<float> remains;

// Unity callback on microphone input (“producer thread“)
void OnAudioFilterRead(float[] data, int channels)
    var buffer = new List<folat>(data.Length);  

    // copy samples to buffer (de–interleave channels)
    for (int i = 0; i < data.Length / channels; i++)
        buffer.Add(data[i * channels]);

    // Add buffer to the queue

// Wwise callback that sends buffered samples to Wwise (“consumer thread“)
bool AudioSamplesDelegate(uint playingID, uint channelIndex, float[] samples)
    // Fill samples 
    var requiredLength = samples.Length;
    while (requiredLength > 0)
        if (remains == null)
            if (bufferQueue.Count > 0)
                remains = bufferQueue.Dequeue();

        if (remains.Length > requiredLength)
            remains.CopyTo(0, samples, samples.Length - requiredLength, requiredLength);
            remains.RemoveRange(0, requiredLength);

        remains.CopyTo(0, samples, samples.Length - requiredLength, remains.Length);
        requiredLength -= remains.Length;
        remains = null;

    // Return false to indicate that there is no more data to provide. This will also stop the associated event.
    return IsPlaying;

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