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Replace entire string based on regex match

I have a large pandas dataframe of email address and wanted to replace all the .edu emails with "Edu". I came up with an highly inefficient way of doing it but there has to be a better way of doing it. This is how I do it:

import pandas as pd
import re
inp = [{'c1':10, 'c2':'gedua.com'},   {'c1':11,'c2':'wewewe.Edu'},   {'c1':12,'c2':'wewewe.edu.ney'}]
dfn = pd.DataFrame(inp)

for index, row in dfn.iterrows():
        if len(re.search('\.edu', row['c2']).group(0)) > 1:
            dfn.c2[index] = 'Edu'

Using str.contains for case insensitive selection, and assignment with loc .

dfn.loc[dfn.c2.str.contains(r'\.Edu', case=False), 'c2'] = 'Edu'    

   c1         c2
0  10  gedua.com
1  11        Edu
2  12        Edu

If it's only the emails ending with .edu you want to replace, then

dfn.loc[dfn.c2.str.contains(r'\.Edu$', case=False), 'c2'] = 'Edu'

Or, as suggested by piR,

dfn.loc[dfn.c2.str.endswith('.Edu'), 'c2'] = 'Edu'


   c1              c2
0  10       gedua.com
1  11             Edu
2  12  wewewe.edu.ney  


dfn.replace('^.*\.Edu$', 'Edu', regex=True)

   c1              c2
0  10       gedua.com
1  11             Edu
2  12  wewewe.edu.ney

The pattern '^.*\\.Edu$' says grab everything from the beginning of the string to the point where we find '.Edu' followed by the end of the string, then replace that whole thing with 'Edu'

Column specific

You may want to limit the scope to just a column (or columns). You can do that by passing a dictionary to replace where the outer key specifies the column and the dictionary value specifies what is to be replaced.

dfn.replace({'c2': {'^.*\.Edu$': 'Edu'}}, regex=True)

   c1              c2
0  10       gedua.com
1  11             Edu
2  12  wewewe.edu.ney

Case insensitive [ thx @coldspeed ]

pandas.DataFrame.replace does not have a case flag. But you can imbed it in the pattern with '(?i)'

dfn.replace({'c2': {'(?i)^.*\.edu$': 'Edu'}}, regex=True)

   c1              c2
0  10       gedua.com
1  11             Edu
2  12  wewewe.edu.ney

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