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Giving error 'Error Bad file descriptor' during execution of Perl

[ Question Updated by following the commentator's comments ] When I am using the following command for executing prop.obj "perl sendXssl.pl hostname port prop.obj" , It is giving error as "Error Bad file descriptor, ssl_error=SSL connect attempt failed at sendXssl.pl line 6". Please help me to solve this. My Perl program is given below...


use IO::Socket::SSL qw( SSL_VERIFY_NONE );
use strict;
use warnings qw( all );

my $sock = IO::Socket::SSL->new(
 PeerHost => $ARGV[0],
 PeerPort => $ARGV[1],
 SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE)
 or die "error=$!, ssl_error=$IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_ERROR";

print $sock "X";
my $data ;
my $file = $ARGV[2];
open(my $fh,'<',$file) or die "Error 2 $!\n";
 local $/;
 $data = <$fh>;

my $pack = $data;
print $sock $pack;

I created prop.obj object from the following java file


import java.io.FileOutputStream;
    import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
    import java.util.Properties;
    public class PropertiesX {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            try {
                String[] s = new String[1];
                s[0] = "notepad.exe";
                Properties p = new Properties();
                p.setProperty("parent", "c:\\windows\\system32\\notepad.exe");
                FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("prop.obj");
                ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
            } catch (Exception ex) {

You're mixing the direct and indirect method syntax together:

$sock = new IO::Socket::SSL->new(
#       ~~~                  ~~~
  PeerHost => $ARGV[0],
  PeerPort => $ARGV[1],
  SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE)

Remove the first new and try again.

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