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Using pytest's parametrize, how can I skip the remaining tests if one test case fails?

I'm using pytest.mark.parametrize to feed increasingly long inputs into a rather slow test function, like so:

@pytest.mark.parametrize('data', [
    ... # etc
def test_compression(data):
    ... # compress the data
    ... # decompress the data
    assert decompressed_data == data

Because compressing large amounts of data takes a long time, I'd like to skip all the remaining tests after one fails. For example if the test fails with the input b'ab' (the first one), b'xyz'*1000 and b'12345'*1024**2 and all other parametrizations should be skipped (or xfail without being executed).

I know it's possible to attach marks to individual parametrizations like so:

@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_input,expected", [
    ("3+5", 8),
    ("2+4", 6),
    pytest.param("6*9", 42, marks=pytest.mark.xfail),

But I don't know how I could conditionally apply those marks depending on the status of the previous test case. Is there a way to do this?

Marks are evaluated before the tests are executed, so there's no way to pass some kind of declarative mark (like skipif ) that depends on other tests results. You can apply custom test skipping logic in hooks, though. Modifying the incremental testing - test steps recipe from pytest docs:

# conftest.py
import pytest

def pytest_sessionstart(session):
    session.failednames = set()

def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):
    if call.excinfo is not None:

def pytest_runtest_setup(item):
    if item.originalname in item.session.failednames:
        pytest.skip("previous test failed (%s)" % item.name)  # or use pytest.xfail like in the other answer

Example test

@pytest.mark.parametrize('i', range(10))
def test_spam(i):
    assert i != 3


=================================== test session starts ===================================
collected 10 items

test_spam.py::test_spam[0] PASSED
test_spam.py::test_spam[1] PASSED
test_spam.py::test_spam[2] PASSED
test_spam.py::test_spam[3] FAILED
test_spam.py::test_spam[4] SKIPPED
test_spam.py::test_spam[5] SKIPPED
test_spam.py::test_spam[6] SKIPPED
test_spam.py::test_spam[7] SKIPPED
test_spam.py::test_spam[8] SKIPPED
test_spam.py::test_spam[9] SKIPPED

========================================= FAILURES ========================================
_______________________________________ test_spam[3] ______________________________________

i = 3

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('i', range(10))
    def test_spam(i):
>       assert i != 3
E       assert 3 != 3

test_spam.py:5: AssertionError
====================== 1 failed, 3 passed, 6 skipped in 0.06 seconds ======================

Edit: working with custom markers

def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):
    markers = {marker.name for marker in item.iter_markers()}
    if call.excinfo is not None and 'skiprest' in markers:

def pytest_runtest_setup(item):
    markers = {marker.name for marker in item.iter_markers()}
    if item.originalname in item.session.failednames and 'skiprest' in markers:


@pytest.mark.parametrize('somearg', ['a', 'b', 'c'])
def test_marked(somearg):

EDIT: I adapted my solution to the accepted one by usint pytest.skip in the fixture.

The following hack could solve your problem. The fake test function test_compression fails always, but is only executed once. But it requires that you add the check of alrady_failed fixture in your test function:

import pytest

def skip_if_already_failed(request, failed=set()):
    key = request.node.name.split("[")[0]
    failed_before = request.session.testsfailed
    if key in failed:
        pytest.skip("previous test {} failed".format(key))
    failed_after = request.session.testsfailed
    if failed_before != failed_after:

@pytest.mark.parametrize("data", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
def test_compression(data, skip_if_already_failed):
    assert data < 3

And this is the output:

$ py.test -v sopytest.py
================================== test session starts ==================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.6.6, pytest-3.8.0, py-1.6.0, pluggy-0.7.1 -- ...
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: ..., inifile:
collected 6 items

sopytest.py::test_compression[1] PASSED                                           [ 16%]
sopytest.py::test_compression[2] PASSED                                           [ 33%]
sopytest.py::test_compression[3] FAILED                                           [ 50%]
sopytest.py::test_compression[4] SKIPPED                                          [ 66%]
sopytest.py::test_compression[5] SKIPPED                                          [ 83%]
sopytest.py::test_compression[6] SKIPPED                                          [100%]

======================================= FAILURES ========================================
__________________________________ test_compression[3] __________________________________

data = 3, skip_if_already_failed = None

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("data", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
    def test_compression(data, skip_if_already_failed):
>       assert data < 3
E       assert 3 < 3

sopytest.py:18: AssertionError
===================== 1 failed, 2 passed, 3 skipped in 0.08 seconds =====================

The accepted answer is not valid anymore, item.session doesn't have failednames param.

Inspired by https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/example/simple.html#incremental-testing-test-steps

Just one more solution that is very close to the accepted one:


MARKER_SKIPREST = "skiprest"
MARKER_PARAMETRIZE = "parametrize"

_failed_parametrized_tests = set()  # History of failed tests

def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):
    """Memorizes names of failed Parametrized tests"""
    marker_names = {marker.name for marker in item.iter_markers()}
    if {MARKER_SKIPREST, MARKER_PARAMETRIZE}.issubset(marker_names):
        if call.excinfo is not None:

def pytest_runtest_setup(item):
    """Check if the test has already failed with other param.
    If yes - xfail this test"""
    marker_names = {marker.name for marker in item.iter_markers()}
    if {MARKER_SKIPREST, MARKER_PARAMETRIZE}.issubset(marker_names):
        if item.originalname in _failed_parametrized_tests:
            pytest.xfail("Previous test failed")


markers =
    skiprest: Skip rest of params in parametrized test if one test one of the tests in the sequence has failed.


pytest.mark.parametrize('data', [
    ... # etc
def test_compression(data):

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