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Reading data from file into queue in c++

I am having trouble figuring out how to get my input data into my queue... I am so close to getting this to work right.

I know I am just confused about how things are working. I have used example code and my instructions to come up with a working program that appears to be working correctly (other than not actually putting my input file data into the queue). I bypassed the function I was trying to make for this. In addition to this, I was trying to write a function to remove an employee from the queue (which I think does work), but I am not sure I was able to get it right...

I have not taken a programming class for over 10 years and really would love to get any help in understanding what I am doing and getting that darn data into the queue.

Below is my main driver file. I will provide my header file code if needed. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide on this.

//Program Assignment #3 
//Creates Queue as a Linked Structure


using namespace std;

struct Node
    LinkedQ nodeQ;
    Employee EmpNumber;
    Employee LastName;
    Employee FirstName;
    Employee ServiceYears;
void loadFile(LinkedQ &);
void addEmp(LinkedQ &);
void delEmp(LinkedQ &);

int main()
LinkedQ empList;
int choice;

int numIn, yearsIn;
string LastName;
string FirstName;
LinkedQ empIn;
ifstream input;


while (input)
    input >> numIn >> LastName >> FirstName >> yearsIn;
    if (input)
        cout << "this is where we load data from the file into the queue\n";
        //empIn.Enqueue(numIn, LastName, FirstName, yearsIn);


    //display menu
    cout << "\t\tMenu: \n" 
        << "\t1. Add Employee\n"
        << "\t2. Remove Employee\n" 
        << "\t3. Count of Employees\n" 
        << "\t4. Quit\n\n";
    cout << "Enter your choice and press return: ";

    cin >> choice;

    switch (choice)
    case 1:
        addEmp(empList); // call to function to add an employee to the queue

    case 2:
        delEmp(empList); // call to fucntion to remove an employee from the queue

    case 3:
        cout << endl << "Count of Employees: "
            << empList.GetLength() << endl;    // See how many employees are in the queue

    case 4:
        cout << "End of Program";           // End Program

        cout << "Not a valid choice!" << endl;
        cout << "Choose Again.";                    // Handling incorrect inputs
} while (choice != 4);      // If choice is not 4, continue running program

return 0;

//Loads the file (having trouble figuring out how to implement this part)
void loadFile(Employee &empList)
int numIn, yearsIn;
string LastName;
string FirstName;
LinkedQ empIn;
ifstream input;


while (input)
    input >> numIn >> LastName >> FirstName >> yearsIn;
    if (input)
        cout << "this is where we load data from the file into the queue";
        //empIn.setFields(numIn, LastName, FirstName, yearsIn);


//add an employee
void addEmp(LinkedQ &empList)
Employee newEmp;



//remove a employee
void delEmp(LinkedQ &empList)
Employee EmpToRemove;
int empNum;
//  bool successful;

cout << "Please enter EMPLOYEE NUMBER of employee to remove:";
cin >> empNum;



//successful = empList.Dequeue(EmpToRemove);

//if (successful == true)
    cout << "Removed" << endl << endl;
//  cout << "Emp Not found" << endl << endl;


Here is the LinkedQ implementation file:

//LinkedQ class

#include "LinkedQ.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <new>

struct NodeType
Employee info;
NodeType* next;

newNode = nullptr;
front = NULL;
rear = NULL;
length = 0;

void LinkedQ::MakeEmpty()
NodeType* tempPtr;

while (front != NULL)
    tempPtr = front;
    front = front->next;
    delete tempPtr;

rear = NULL;


bool LinkedQ::IsFull() const
NodeType* location;
    location = new NodeType;
    delete location;
    return false;
catch (std::bad_alloc exception)
    return true;

bool LinkedQ::IsEmpty() const
return (front == NULL);

void LinkedQ::Enqueue(Employee newItem)
if (IsFull())
    cout << "Queue is Full";
//  throw FullQueue();
    NodeType* newNode;

    newNode = new NodeType;
    newNode->info = newItem;
    newNode->next = NULL;
    if (rear == NULL)
        front = newNode;
        rear->next = newNode;
    rear = newNode;

void LinkedQ::Dequeue(Employee& item)
if (IsEmpty())
    //throw EmptyQueue();
    cout << "Queue is empty";
    NodeType* tempPtr;

    tempPtr = front;
    item = front->info;
    front = front->next;
    if (front == NULL)
        rear = NULL;
    delete tempPtr;

int LinkedQ::GetLength() const
return length;

And here is the Employee implementation file:

//employee Class


EmpNum = 0;                                             


void Employee::setEmpNumber(int eNum)
EmpNum = eNum;

void Employee::setEmpName(string LName)
LastName = LName;

void Employee::setEmpFirstName(string FName)
FirstName = FName;

void Employee::setYearsService(int years)
YearsService = years;

void Employee::setFields(int num, string LN, string FN, int years)
EmpNum = num;
LastName = LN;
FirstName = FN;
YearsService = years;

void Employee::user()                                                 
string inputString;
int intNumber;

cout << "Employee Number ";
cin >> intNumber;
while (intNumber <= 0)                                                  
    cout << "Employee Number "; 
    cin >> intNumber;
EmpNum = intNumber;

cout << "Last Name: ";
cin >> inputString;
LastName = inputString;

cout << "First Name: ";
cin >> inputString;
FirstName = inputString;

cout << "Years of Service: ";
cin >> intNumber;
while (intNumber < 0)                                                   
    cout << "Years of Service ";
    cin >> intNumber;

cout << endl;
YearsService = intNumber;


const int Employee::getEmpNumber()
return EmpNum;

const string Employee::getLastName()
return LastName;

const string Employee::getFirstName()
return FirstName;

const int Employee::getYearsService()
return YearsService;


bool Employee::operator == (const Employee &right)
bool status;
if ( EmpNum == right.EmpNum)
    status = true;
    status = false;
return status;

bool Employee::operator != (const Employee &right)
bool status;

if (EmpNum != right.EmpNum)
    status = true;
    status = false;
return status;

I think the parameter of loadFile should be of type LinkedQ , which, if I understand it correctly, is the queue class/struct, and the empIn variable should be of type Employee .


The method you call on the empList object should be Enqueue , instead of addEmp .

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