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Restricting Positive Lookahead when capturing

I get some text at intervals from stream like,

ICY Info: StreamTitle='Elvis Presley - Saved';StreamUrl='';

ICY Info: StreamTitle='Elvis Presley - Saved'

ICY Info: StreamTitle='Ivank'av T'ali - Yorua';StreamUrl='';

ICY Info: StreamTitle='Ivank'av T'ali - Yorua'

I wish to obtain

Elvis Presley - Saved
Elvis Presley - Saved
Ivank'av T'ali - Yorua
Ivank'av T'ali - Yorua

I'm using (?<=\\=\\').*(?=';S) or (?<=\\=\\').*(?=') but they seem not suitable.


@Edit: I have just come with (?<=\\=\\').*?(?=';) .

(?=';S) will not work for the first and the third example when ';S is not there.

On the other hand (?=') Will match too much in the first and the third example.

What you could do is use an alternation in the lookahead to check for either ;: or ' followed by the end of the string.


Regex demo


  • (?<==') Positive lookbehind to assert what is on the left is ='
  • .+? Match any character one or more times non greedy
  • (?= Positive lookahead to assert that what is on the right is
    • '(?:;|$) Match ' followed by an alternation matching either ; or assert the end of the string $
  • ) close positive lookahead

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