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Weird problem with calling functions in Python

I'm just trying to write a code for myself and I have problem with calling a specific function in my code and it is weird because I already have 2 more functions just like this one and they do their job correctly check it out

import random

name = ("aghayan","jafari","panahi","kashkool")
word = random.choice(names)
dash_guess = "-" * len(word)
guesses_left = 5
class hangman():
    def Entrance():
        print(" one of your python classmates was an undercover cop and set a ")
        print(" trap for our Boss Mohammad Esmaili!'THE CARTEL KING' so they arrest him .")
        print(" we just need that snitch name and your the only person of that")
        print(" class that we have access to , so your going to tell us the snitch")
        print(" name or i will hang you my self and you got only 5 chances to ")
        print(" tell me his or hers name or you'll die")
        def repeat():

            your_choice =input(" so will you help me or you want to die ? 'yes' or 'no' : ")

            if your_choice == "yes":
                print("Good it seems you have someone waiting for you and you want to ")
                print("see him/her again , you better be telling the truth or i,ll go ")
                print("and pay a visit to your love")

            elif your_choice == "no":
                print("ok good choice , it will be my pleasure to kill you ")
                print("________      ")
                print("|      |      ")
                print("|      0      ")
                print("|     /|\     ")
                print("|     / \     ")
                print("|             ")
                print("Adios my friend , i hope you rest in peace in HELL")

            else :
                print(" it seems the noose tightens around your neck and its getting")
                print(" hard to talk but i just need 'yes' or 'no' for answer")
    def core_game(guess):
         while guesses_left > 0 and not dash_guess == word:
             guess = input("so tell me that snitch name letter by letter : ")
         if guess != 1:
             print("NOPE , i need you to spell the name of that rat")


game = hangman()

It's not complete but the question is when I enter 'yes' it should take the program to def core_game() but it give me error that " core_game is not defined ".

This section is your problem:

def core_game(guess):
     while guesses_left > 0 and not dash_guess == word:
         guess = input("so tell me that snitch name letter by letter : ")
     if guess != 1:
         print("NOPE , i need you to spell the name of that rat")


The lack of indent on the last line drops you out of the class definition. In other words, you're calling core_game from the global scope (where it's not defined) rather than from within the class (where it is defined).

Python is picky with indenting and formatting; I'd advise you to take some time to learn how to correctly format your code for Python, which will not only help you reduce errors but will also make your code significantly easier for you and anyone else to read.

Your solution is to remove the core_game(guess) call entirely. You don't need it, because you're already calling Entrance() , and that calls core_game at the correct points for you.

You've also got another issue - your core_game method has a guess parameter, but it's not necessary and it's making it hard for you to call it correctly:

def core_game(guess):
    while guesses_left > 0 and not dash_guess == word:
        # On this line, you're overwriting the value of the guess parameter
        # before you've actually read it. Hence, you don't actually
        # need that parameter at all.
        guess = input("so tell me that snitch name letter by letter : ")
    if guess != 1:
        print("NOPE , i need you to spell the name of that rat")

And, where you call it:

if your_choice == "yes":
    print("Good it seems you have someone waiting for you and you want to ")
    print("see him/her again , you better be telling the truth or i,ll go ")
    print("and pay a visit to your love")

    # At this point, guess is not defined, so you're not passing anything
   # to the core_game function.

Given that (a) you're not passing anything, and (b) you never actually use the parameter, you can just remove it.

After all the suggestions above, here's how your code looks:

import random

name = ("aghayan", "jafari", "panahi", "kashkool")
word = random.choice(names)
dash_guess = "-" * len(word)
guesses_left = 5

class Hangman():
    def entrance(self):
        print(" one of your python classmates was an undercover cop and set a ")
        print(" trap for our Boss Mohammad Esmaili!'THE CARTEL KING' so they arrest him .")
        print(" we just need that snitch name and your the only person of that")
        print(" class that we have access to , so your going to tell us the snitch")
        print(" name or i will hang you my self and you got only 5 chances to ")
        print(" tell me his or hers name or you'll die")

        def repeat():
            your_choice =input(" so will you help me or you want to die ? 'yes' or 'no' : ")

            if your_choice == "yes":
                print("Good it seems you have someone waiting for you and you want to ")
                print("see him/her again , you better be telling the truth or i,ll go ")
                print("and pay a visit to your love")

            elif your_choice == "no":
                print("ok good choice , it will be my pleasure to kill you ")
                print("________      ")
                print("|      |      ")
                print("|      0      ")
                print("|     /|\     ")
                print("|     / \     ")
                print("|             ")
                print("Adios my friend , i hope you rest in peace in HELL")

                print(" it seems the noose tightens around your neck and its getting")
                print(" hard to talk but i just need 'yes' or 'no' for answer")


    def core_game(self):
        while guesses_left > 0 and not dash_guess == word:
            guess = input("so tell me that snitch name letter by letter : ")
        if guess != 1:
            print("NOPE , i need you to spell the name of that rat")

game = Hangman()

I've also applied some stylistic corrections and corrected the indentation here. You've got a logic bug left, as well, but I'll leave that as an exercise for you to figure out.

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