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How to replace specific character such as bracket in php

I have been trying for the past three days to replace a bracket within my own delimiter. Something like

(  ( [take] function ( [/take] (

To look like

[take] function [ [/take]

Without affecting brackets outside of the [take][/take] delimiters

I have tried

preg_replace('/[^\[take\]]([)[^\[\take\]]/', '[', $string);

You'll need to use a regular expression:

$string = "( ( [take] function( [/take] (";
$result = preg_replace_callback(
    function($m) {return $m[1] . str_replace("(", "[", $m[2]) . $m[3];},
echo $result;

preg_replace_callback() allows you to execute a callback function on the match. In this case we use matching groups (within parentheses) to isolate the text between the tags, and then in the callback replace the parenthesis with a bracket.


$result = str_replace('function ()', 'function []', '( ( function () (');

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