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Fetching JSONArray inside JSONArray with unknown length

In my app I fetch a JSONArray from a server. The received data has this structure:

    "MatchID": 51170,
    "Team1": {
      "TeamId": 1,
    "Team2": {
      "TeamId": 1,
    "Goals": [
        "GoalID": 1,
        "GoalID": 2,
        "GoalID": 3,

The problem I have is that the JSONArray 'goals' inside it has an unknown length. I usually store and process all the data through getter and setters, like this:

public String getGoalid() {

return goalid;

public void setGoalid(String goalid) {

this.goalid = goalid;

But like this I just get the information of the last goal. I also tried to use the getter and setter as a string array, but like this I just stored the last value as well. What's the right way to store these unknown amout of strings correctly otherwise?


Here's the code of how I process the received data:

List<GetData> GetData1 = new ArrayList<>();
public void Process(JSONArray array){
    for(int i = 0; i<array.length(); i++) {        
            GetData GetData2 = new GetData();
            JSONObject json = null;
            try {
                json = array.getJSONObject(i);
            JSONObject team1 = json.getJSONObject("Team1");
                JSONObject user = json.getJSONObject("Team2");

            JSONArray jArrayGoals = json.getJSONArray("Goals");
                if(jArrayGoals == null || jArrayGoals.length() == 0){
                }else {
                    for (int j = 0; j < jArrayGoals.length(); j++) {
                        JSONObject json_data = jArrayGoals.getJSONObject(j);
            } catch (JSONException e) {

I prefer use Gson ( https://github.com/google/gson )

Gradle install

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.8.5'

for this case with classes like this

public class Team
  private int TeamId;

  public int getTeamId() { return this.TeamId; }

  public void setTeamId(int TeamId) { this.TeamId = TeamId; }

public class Goal
  private int GoalID;

  public int getGoalID() { return this.GoalID; }

  public void setGoalID(int GoalID) { this.GoalID = GoalID; }

public class RootObject
  private int MatchID;

  public int getMatchID() { return this.MatchID; }

  public void setMatchID(int MatchID) { this.MatchID = MatchID; }

  private Team Team1;

  public Team getTeam1() { return this.Team1; }

  public void setTeam1(Team1 Team1) { this.Team1 = Team1; }

  private Team Team2;

  public Team getTeam2() { return this.Team2; }

  public void setTeam2(Team2 Team2) { this.Team2 = Team2; }

  private ArrayList<Goal> Goals;

  public ArrayList<Goal> getGoals() { return this.Goals; }

  public void setGoals(ArrayList<Goal> Goals) { this.Goals = Goals; }

To get goals length will like this

RootObject rootObject = gson.fromJson(json, RootObject.class);
int goalLength = rootObject.getGoals().size()

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