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How can i pass function as parameter with arguments

I have ajax call function which have parameter function and it's looks like this

function selectedLang(func) {

     let selected = selectLang.options[selectLang.selectedIndex].value;

          url: 'lang.php',
          type: "POST",
          dataType: 'json',
          data: { language: selected },
          success: function (data) {
             // call here displayData function with parameter

inside success i want to call function displayData with parameter data

  function displayData(data) {  
    // some data  


Right now i'm getting an error that func is not a function

It looks like it is working. https://jsfiddle.net/bpomehv5/

Check out this fiddle

function selectedLang(func) {

          url: 'https://randomuser.me/api',
          type: "GET",
          dataType: 'json',
          success: function (data) {
             // call here displayData function with parameter

function showIt (data) {


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