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Extract specific XML pattern from log file using 'awk'

I would like to extract from a log file that contains mostly Java log data (debug/errors/info) the following XML:

            <ORDER id="XYZ_123_456" action="test">

I only need the one which has the "Provision" tag, and which contains the ORDER id XYZ_123_456

I've tried using the following, but it also returns XMLs without the Provision tag. (I'm near clueless in awk, this is a code I've modified for this particular need)

awk '/<envelope>/ {line=$0; p=0 && x=0; next}
     line   {line=line ORS $0}
    /ORDER/ && $2~/XYZ_123_456/ {p=1}
    $0~/<Provision>/ {x=1}
   /<\/envelope>/ && p && x {print line;}' dump.file


You shouldn't parse xml with awk. Better use xmlstarlet . This will print the whole envelope:

$ apt-get install xmlstarlet
$ xmlstarlet sel -t -c '/envelope/body/Provision/ORDER[@id="XYZ_123_456"]/../../..' file.xml

For awk, I propose this:

awk '
    el>0{buffer=buffer $0 ORS}
    el==1&&/<\/envelope>/{el=0;if (hit){print buffer; buffer="";hit=0}}
' file.xml

This checks for the correct XML structure and print the whole envelope given the xml elements come on different lines each.

If your XML or logfile is as well-formed as you claim, you can (ab)use awk and its RS record separator feature to do most of the parsing for you:

 awk 'BEGIN{ RS="</envelope>"; FS="<envelope>" }; $0 ~ order { print "<envelope>",$2,"</envelope>" }' order=XYZ_123_456 tmp.txt

This works by defining </envelope> as the awk record separator and then reading all stuff between </envelope> strings. To then strip/split other log messages, I use the FS field separator to split the "line" into columns, and output the second column.

This will horribly fail if any <envelope> or </envelope> string happens to appear anywhere else in your log data, but you've already been pointed towards better XML parsers.

As the above solution requires GNU awk for multi-char RS , here is the same solution using perl for the case that no appropriate awk version is available:

 perl -ne 'BEGIN{ $/="</envelope>";$order=shift }; /<envelope>.*$order.*/ms and print $&' XYZ_123_456 tmp.txt
$ cat tst.awk
/<envelope>/ { inEnv = 1 }
inEnv { env = env $0 ORS }
/<\/envelope>/ {
    if ( env ~ /<Provision>.*<ORDER[[:space:]]+id="XYZ_123_456"/ ) {
        printf "%s", env
    env = inEnv = ""

$ awk -f tst.awk file
            <ORDER id="XYZ_123_456" action="test">

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