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logstash, grok - how match optional field after multiline data?

I use logstash to parse messages from filebeat. Individual messages have the following syntax:

key1: some data!....
-...data continues..special symbols ..:!?111--
whatever...1234!"..??..data..continues !!';;; blabla
key2: important data

key1 's value is a multiline mess which I want to ingore.
Also note, that key2 is optional, and it can happen to not to be in the log message!

I want to parse key2 value, if present, and tried it as so:

key1: (?m)%{DATA}(\nkey2:%{DATA:value})?

, but it seems that the first DATA block just matches the whole message and the optional part is skipped.
I need the first DATA block to not to be greedy, and so not to skip key2 .

Thanks for any suggestions :)

Is this by any chance stacktrace which is intented? Then you can filter for spaces. An example of your log might be of help.

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