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How do I limit the Tokio threadpool to a certain number of native threads?

What's the correct way of limiting the Tokio (v 0.1.11) threadpool to n OS native threads, where n is an arbitrary number, preferably configurable at runtime?

As far as I can tell, it's possible to use Tokio in single threaded mode using using tokio_current_thread::block_on_all instead of tokio::run and tokio_current_thread::spawn instead of tokio::spawn .

I'd like a similar solution but for n >= 1 .

You can build a Tokio Runtime object using tokio::runtime::Builder . The builder offers a core_threads() method that can be used to configure the number of threads, eg

let mut rt = runtime::Builder::new()

You can then use rt.spawn(some_future) to run a future on this runtime.

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