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How to send a GET request using C++?

I have an API url:


When I try to make a GET request to it, the response is 302 Moved Temporarily .

My request is:

std::string write_buf = "GET /lol/summoner/v3/summoners/by-name/NikolayDark16?api_key=RGAPI-b2971736-9178-4559-a0d9-7d166093865c HTTP/1.1\r\n"
    "Host: www.riotgames.com\r\n"
    "Connection: close\r\n"

If I use Host www.ru.api.riotgames.com instead, the response is 400 bad request .

A 302 response is a redirect to another URL. Simply resend the same request to the URL specified in the response's Location header.

As for the 400 response, the correct hostname to specify in the request's Host header is ru.api.riotgames.com (no www. in front). And don't forget the : after Host .

std::string write_buf = "GET /lol/summoner/v3/summoners/by-name/NikolayDark16?api_key=RGAPI-b2971736-9178-4559-a0d9-7d166093865c HTTP/1.1\r\n"
    "Host: ru.api.riotgames.com\r\n"
    "Connection: close\r\n"

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