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While loop in python keeps looping forever

I learned python years ago and I am just trying to re-learn it now. I'm trying to make a basic program that asks name and age, and I have a while loop to try and make sure that the person actually puts in the correct numbers to confirm their name, but it just keeps looping over and over.

name = input("What's your name? ")
print("Are you sure your name is",name,"? Type 1 for YES or  2 for NO.")
sure = int(input())
while(sure != 1 or 2):
    sure == input("Please type 1 for yes or 2 for NO.")

在我看来,“确保”始终为!= 1或2,请尝试使用“与”

There are a few problems that can be fix to make your code work.

  1. sure captures the input as an int but only the first time.

    The fix: Move int() into the while loop declaration, or even better compare sure to a string by quoting '1' and '2' as input will return a string.

  2. or '2' is incorrect as sure is never compared to '2' . You were probably thinking:

     sure != '1' or sure != '2' #'or' would not work in this scenario 


     sure != '1' and sure != '2' 

    However, this could more simply be written as sure not in ('1','2') .

    The fix: replace != '1' or '2' declaration with: not in ('1','2')

  3. In the loop sure == input is a comparison and not an assignment.

    The fix: replace sure == input with: sure = input

The fixed code should look like the following:

name = input("What's your name? ")
print("Are you sure your name is",name,"? Type 1 for YES or  2 for NO.")
sure = input()
while(sure not in ('1','2')):
    sure = input("Please type 1 for yes or 2 for NO.")

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