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Proxy tester with threading

I have written a simple proxy checker in Python. I have a one question - how to get speed up it? I trying to use queue and threading, but it didn't work. If it is possible use threading lib


import socks

red = "\033[1;31m"
green = "\033[1;32m"
yellow = "\033[1;33m"
blue = "\033[1;34m"
defaultcolor = "\033[0m"

linesinfile = len(open('proxy.txt', 'rU').readlines())

def proxygff():
    global fp
    with open('proxy.txt') as fp:
        pff = fp.readline()
        global cnt
        cnt = 1
        while pff:
            global PROXYIP, PROXYPORT
            PROXYIP, PROXYPORT = pff.split(":")
            pff = fp.readline()
            cnt = cnt + 1

def savetofile(proxy):
    with open("proxywork.txt", 'a') as file:

def checkmain():
        socks.setdefaultproxy(socks.SOCKS5, str(PROXYIP), int(PROXYPORT))
        s = socks.socksocket()
        s.connect(("google.com", 80))
        print blue + "Proxy working! " + green + str(cnt) + defaultcolor + "/" + green + str(linesinfile)
        proxy = PROXYIP + ":" + PROXYPORT
        print red + "Proxy not working! " + green + str(cnt) + defaultcolor + "/" + green + str(linesinfile)


Written in Python 2.7

Python's multithreading will help you only when you creating a connection to google.com and waiting a response from them. Python interpreter runs only one thread at time due to GIL . You can do the same things (avoid IO waitings) with asyncio module (Python >= 3.4). And you have to do rewrite your code because you set up default proxy globally socks.setdefaultproxy for all opening sockets.

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