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How do I set up the delphi development environment in Ubuntu?

我开始开发Delphi,但我不知道如何在Linux 中使用Delphi。

You can't use Delphi itself in Linux directly, as the Delphi IDE and compilers are all Windows-only executables. So, to run Delphi on a Linux system, you would have to run it inside of a Windows-based virtual machine running on Linux.

However, Delphi 10.2 Tokyo and later include a compiler that can create executables that run natively on Linux.

Unfortantley you cannot run Delphi in Linux. But there is an amazing alternative. It is called Lazarus! It will run on Linux, Mac or Windows. Get it at https://www.lazarus-ide.org/

I am actually surprised Lazarus isn't one of the most popular desktop development tools. If you find it useful and you are capable you should also contibute to the project. It has come a long ways in the past 10 years and with it I don't think you will need to even consider running Delphi on Linux. Lazarus with FreePascal is sufficient!

Also maXbox runs on Linux

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