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Is there a way to compute something only the first time you call a function without creating a global in python3?

Currently I use the following technique:

def Myfb(param1, param2, firstTime):
    if firstTime:
        global a = compute()
        global b = compute2()
    global a
    global b
    c = doNormalExecution(param1, param2, a, b)

Is there a more elegant way? I don't like creating globals

The technique is called memoization. The functools module has an lru_cache function that does what you want.

from functools import lru_cache

def Myfb(param1, param2):
    b = doNormalExecution(a)

The python docs have more information like what maxsize is and how lru_cache works so that you can implement it suitably.

You can use a generator:

def Myfb():
    a = compute()
    while True:
      param1, param2 = yield
      b = doNormalExecution(a, param1, param2)
      yield b

Here you have a live example

Example code:

def compute():
  return 10

def doNormalExecution(a, b, c):
  return a + b + c

def Myfb():
    a = compute()
    while True:
      param1, param2 = yield
      b = doNormalExecution(a, param1, param2)
      yield b

f = Myfb()
for a, b in zip(range(10), range(10)):
  print(f.send((a, b)))

You can create a custom callable that will maintain it's own state:

class MyFB(object):
    _sentinel = object()

    def __init__(self):
        self._a = self._sentinel
        self._b = self._sentinel

    def __call__(self, param1, param2, reinit=False):
        if reinit or self._a is self._sentinel or self._b is self._sentinel:
            self._a = compute_a()
            self._b = compute_b()
        return doNormalExecution(param1, param2, self._a, self._b)

myfb = MyFB()

# now use `myfb` like an ordinary function

Seeing as compute1() and compute2() don't take arguments, you could use functools to cache their results. (Unless they have side effects.)

from functools import cache

def compute():
    #do complicated stuff first time called
    return result

def compute2():
    #do complicated stuff first time called
    return result

def Myfb(param1, param2):
    a = compute()
    b = compute2()
    c = doNormalExecution(param1, param2, a, b)

If you don't pass any parameters to a function, use this decorator (I had it lying around):

import functools

def lazy(func):
    """ Decorator which only actually runs a function the first time it is
    called and stores the result to be returned on later calls.

        def func_to_be_only_run_once():
    FLAG = object()
    result = FLAG
    def inner():
        nonlocal result
        if result is FLAG:
            result = func()
        return result
    return inner

If you have one or more arguments that change (including self ) use functools.lru_cache

Here's a cool way to do it using closures.

def closure(firstTime=True):
  def Myfb():
    nonlocal firstTime
    if firstTime:
        print("First time.")
        firstTime = False
  return Myfb

myfb = closure()

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