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What is the best way to design/process in Java 8 ordered calls on different methods

My question is regarding design

I'm trying to design order/sequential calls based on different methods.

Suppose my Class :

public class Foo {

    public Object method1(String a){
        // impl1..

    public Object method2(List<Object> list){
        // impl2..

    public Object method3(Map<String,String> map, Object otherStuff){
        // impl3..

    // other different methods ....

I want to follow this concept http://qrman.github.io/posts/2017/02/09/pipeline-pattern-plumber-quest

But my difference is that I use the only 1 class with multiple methods, if i had different services I would create new class to each service with interface implementation as in the link , but my purpose is create list of order methods inside 1 class that will iterate and execute them...

I was thinking about some method reference based on java 8

like described here : https://www.codementor.io/eh3rrera/using-java-8-method-reference-du10866vx

basic idea ?

List<> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add(Foo::method3) ...

forEach ..list -> execute

Thanks a lot

Because formal and actual arguments vary from one method to the other, you cannot use method reference. Lambdas should do the job:

    List<Consumer<Foo>> list = new ArrayList<>();
    list.add((foo) -> foo.method1("a"));
    list.add((foo) -> foo.method2(new ArrayList<>()));
    list.add((foo) -> foo.method3(new HashMap<>(), "Other stuff"));

    Foo foo = new Foo();
    list.forEach(fooConsumer -> fooConsumer.accept(foo));

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