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What is the best design pattern in java to implement large set of methods having similar signatures?

I want to implement all the cdl (candle stick pattern) methods of below class in TA-Lib .

There are around 61 cdl analytic methods out of which around 90% are having similar signature, just that their core implementation is different.

For example:

 public RetCode cdl2Crows(int startIdx,
      int endIdx,
      double inOpen[],
      double inHigh[],
      double inLow[],
      double inClose[],
      MInteger outBegIdx,
      MInteger outNBElement,
      int outInteger[])

public RetCode cdl3BlackCrows(int startIdx,
      int endIdx,
      double inOpen[],
      double inHigh[],
      double inLow[],
      double inClose[],
      MInteger outBegIdx,
      MInteger outNBElement,
      int outInteger[])

I was thinking if I can pass the method name as a argument from my source class and then using reflection invoke the methods something like to avoid duplicate code

public invokeAnalytic(String analyticMethodName, common params .....)
    // using reflection invoke analyticMethodName of Core class
    // and pass rest of the params
  1. What is the best design pattern in java to follow for such a scenario?
  2. Is there going to be a performance issue if I use reflection for such a scenario?

How about wrapping the arguments in an immutable Value Object ?


MyValueObject params = new MyValueObject(int startIdx,
    int endIdx,
    double inOpen[],
    double inHigh[],
    double inLow[],
    double inClose[],
    MInteger outBegIdx,
    MInteger outNBElement,
    int outInteger[]);

// ....
// ...

Create a final class of the common data points (similar to a struct in C) and pass it as an argument to your functions. It's a little heavy, but not as bad as you might think (especially if the class is declared final ).

public interface CDL

    public RetCode invoke
          int startIdx,
          int endIdx,
          double inOpen[],
          double inHigh[],
          double inLow[],
          double inClose[],
          MInteger outBegIdx,
          MInteger outNBElement,
          int outInteger[]

static Map<String,CDL> map = new HashMap<>();

map.put("cdl2Crows", new CDL()
    public RetCode invoke(...)

Reflection should be avoided in this case as you'll lose both safety and performance for not much more than having to type less.

In this case, I'd just use either a hierarchy of interfaces or abstract classes based on where the method signatures are the same/where the implementation details are shared.

I think the Strategy Pattern is your best choice for this:


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