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How can I compile CEF library with Visual Studio 2017?

I followed Sga's answer How to use Chromium Embedded Framework with Visual Studio 2017 (C++)? to compile Cef with Visual Studio 2017. However, when I follow his step 7. Build Debug/Release, I am getting the following errors:

Severity    Code    Description Project File    Line    Suppression State
Error   LNK2019 unresolved external symbol _CLSID_WbemLocator referenced in function "bool __cdecl base::win::CreateLocalWmiConnection(bool,class Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<struct IWbemServices> *)" (?CreateLocalWmiConnection@win@base@@YA_N_NPAV?$ComPtr@UIWbemServices@@@WRL@Microsoft@@@Z)   cefsimple   C:\Users\BremeyeT\source\repos\cef_binary_3.3538.1849.g458cc98_windows32\build\tests\cefsimple\cef_sandbox.lib(wmi.obj) 1   
Error   LNK1120 1 unresolved externals  cefsimple   C:\Users\BremeyeT\source\repos\cef_binary_3.3538.1849.g458cc98_windows32\build\tests\cefsimple\Debug\cefsimple.exe  1   
Error   LNK2019 unresolved external symbol _CLSID_WbemLocator referenced in function "bool __cdecl base::win::CreateLocalWmiConnection(bool,class Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<struct IWbemServices> *)" (?CreateLocalWmiConnection@win@base@@YA_N_NPAV?$ComPtr@UIWbemServices@@@WRL@Microsoft@@@Z)   cefclient   C:\Users\BremeyeT\source\repos\cef_binary_3.3538.1849.g458cc98_windows32\build\tests\cefclient\cef_sandbox.lib(wmi.obj) 1   
Error   LNK1120 1 unresolved externals  cefclient   C:\Users\BremeyeT\source\repos\cef_binary_3.3538.1849.g458cc98_windows32\build\tests\cefclient\Debug\cefclient.exe  1   
Error   LNK2019 unresolved external symbol _CLSID_WbemLocator referenced in function "bool __cdecl base::win::CreateLocalWmiConnection(bool,class Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<struct IWbemServices> *)" (?CreateLocalWmiConnection@win@base@@YA_N_NPAV?$ComPtr@UIWbemServices@@@WRL@Microsoft@@@Z)   ceftests    C:\Users\BremeyeT\source\repos\cef_binary_3.3538.1849.g458cc98_windows32\build\tests\ceftests\cef_sandbox.lib(wmi.obj)  1   
Error   LNK1120 1 unresolved externals  ceftests    C:\Users\BremeyeT\source\repos\cef_binary_3.3538.1849.g458cc98_windows32\build\tests\ceftests\Debug\ceftests.exe

From this question I learned that it has to do with wbemuuid.lib. So I added


to the Library Directories of the projects cefclient, cefsimple and ceftests, because this is where I found wbemuuid.lib on my drive. However the Cef library still does not compile successfully and shows the same errors.

I did check that I am compiling the Win32 version of the library and the wbemuuid.lib is the 32 bit version.

What else do I need to do to get a sucessful compile and link?


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