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Cannot understand what linker is complaining about

When compiling my project that uses boost logging library, I am getting following linker error.

LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: static class boost::log::v2s_mt_nt6::sources::severity_logger_mt __cdecl my_logger::construct_logger(void)" (?construct_logger@my_logger@@SA?AV?$severity_logger_mt@W4severity_level@trivial@v2s_mt_nt6@log@boost@@@sources@v2s_mt_nt6@log@boost@@XZ)

I don't know how to read this error message with mangled function names. Can anyone tell me in human readable way what function it cannot find?

Googling "boost log unresolved external symbol" leads to https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_59_0/libs/log/doc/html/log/rationale/namespace_mangling.html (first, highlighted hit) which describes BOOST_LOG_DYN_LINK .

This incidentally also the most frequent answer on SO: https://stackoverflow.com/search?tab=votes&q=%5bboost-log%5d%20linker

However ABI issues can play a role, see eg Unresolved external when using boost log

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