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c# With Unity and LitJSON Getting an Invalid Cast Exception when trying to de-serialize back from JSONData object

I have been working on a save game solution for my project and have hit a wall. After several days of research, trial/ error etc. I decided to give the stack a shot. I am attempting to convert back from a Json text file into an object, then add it to a dictionary. It keeps giving my Invalid cast exceptions, regardless as to how I iterate through the Jdata object. Keeping in mind I am using LitJson 3rd party. Here is the code thus far. The error occurs at the foreach statement.

 using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    using LitJson;
    using System.IO;

    public static class SaveGame  {

    public static string savePath = Application.persistentDataPath + 
    public static int numberOfSaves = 0;
    public static string saveFileName = PlayerCrew.playerShipName + ".json";

    public static void SavePlayerData ()
        string playerSavePath = savePath + saveFileName;
        string jsonHolder;

        jsonHolder = JsonMapper.ToJson(PlayerCrew.playerCrewManifest);

        if (!File.Exists(playerSavePath))
            FileStream fs = new FileStream(playerSavePath, 
            File.WriteAllText(playerSavePath, jsonHolder);          

            File.WriteAllText(playerSavePath, jsonHolder);


     public static void LoadCrewManifest()
        string playerSavePath = savePath + saveFileName;
        string jsonHolder;

        jsonHolder = File.ReadAllText(playerSavePath);
        JsonData jdata = JsonMapper.ToObject(jsonHolder);

        foreach (KeyValuePair<string,CrewMember> item in jdata)
            PlayerCrew.playerCrewManifest.Add(item.Key, item.Value);



I recommend you to use NetJson . You can Deserialize using a generic type, including Dictionary.

The values in jdata might come as KeyValuePair<string, string>

the simplest way would be a simple constructor for your class CrewMember eg something like

public class CrewMember
    public string Name;

    public CrewMember(string name)
        Name = name;

Than you don't want the item.key since it will be the variable name (in this case Name ) instead you want the item.Value .

Your json code could look like

JsonData jdata = JsonMapper.ToObject(jsonHolder);

foreach (KeyValuePair<string,string> item in jdata)
    PlayerCrew.playerCrewManifest.Add(item.Value, new CrewMember(item.Value));

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