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Setting focus of cursor back to Python

I have a little program that uses TKinter to open a csv. All works fine.

When the user chooses a file, I want the cursor and the active window to return to the Python shell.

I am using this:

os.system('''/usr/bin/osascript -e 'tell app "Finder" to set frontmost of process "Python" to true' ''')

When in IDLE, this works, when the program runs, but when I just double click the .py file and run it in the Python Shell, it says it can't find the path.

Anyone know the path I need?


Try this, it refers to the running process via pid so it shouldn't matter exactly how you ran it:

import os
pid = os.getpid()
os.system("""/usr/bin/osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to set frontmost of (first process whose unix id is %d) to true'""" % pid)

Further research and this is my solution.

import win32gui as wg
from win32gui import GetWindowText, GetForegroundWindow

#This gets the details of the current window, the one running the program
aw = (GetForegroundWindow())

#Do some stuff..

#This tells the program to set the focus on the captured window

I hope this helps anyone else looking for the same thing I was. :-)

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