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Elasticsearch - passing an array as argument in a query

I'm trying to do a query in Elasticsearch using an array as argument for the query. For example, I want to search for [apple, orange, pineapple] in the field "fruits". But in my case I want to search for an array of companyIds. I came up with this query:


When I run this query, I get the following error:

{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"[match] unknown token [START_ARRAY] after [query]","line":20,"col":30}],"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"[match] unknown token [START_ARRAY] after [query]","line":20,"col":30},"status":400}

It's as if I can't pass an array as argument for the query. So my question is: what is the correct way to pass an array as argument of a query in ElasticSearch?

To give more context: I'm doing this in a java project, the searchSourceBuilder for this query is the following: locaisTemp is the array I'm trying to pass as an argument.

SearchSourceBuilder sourceBuilder = new SearchSourceBuilder();
                                .matchQuery("idunity", locaisTemp)) 

use termsQuery instead and also you should use filter() instead of must() since you're only filtering:

                       ^    .termsQuery("idunity", locaisTemp))
                       |         ^ 
                       |         |
                       change this 

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