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Microsoft SQL Server: How to extract data from multiline field?

I have a varchar column which contains something like this:

(0 or more lines of random text)

Name: John Doe

(0 or more another lines...)

I need a select query that gives me just „John Doe”. Any ideas?

In other words: I look for SQL equivalent of: grep ”^Name:”|sed -es/^Name://

Assuming the lines are carriage returns which is ASCII 13:

declare @table table (c varchar(max))

insert into @table
('adsfsdfdsa' + char(13) + 'Name: John Doe' + char(13) + 'adsfdsafasd'),
('Name: John Doe' + char(13) + 'adsfdsafasd'),
('adsfsdfdsa' + char(13) + 'Name: John Doe'),
('Name: John Doe')

select *
    ,WithAttribute = substring(c,charindex('Name:',c),iif(charindex(char(13),substring(c,charindex('Name:',c),99)) = 0,99,charindex(char(13),substring(c,charindex('Name:',c),99))))
    ,OnlyName = substring(
                        substring(c,charindex('Name:',c),iif(charindex(char(13),substring(c,charindex('Name:',c),99)) = 0,99,charindex(char(13),substring(c,charindex('Name:',c),99))))
from @table


select *
    ,WithAttribute = substring(c,charindex('Name:',c),case when charindex(char(13),substring(c,charindex('Name:',c),99)) = 0 then 99 else charindex(char(13),substring(c,charindex('Name:',c),99)) end )
    ,OnlyName = substring(
                        substring(c,charindex('Name:',c),case when charindex(char(13),substring(c,charindex('Name:',c),99)) = 0 then 99 else charindex(char(13),substring(c,charindex('Name:',c),99)) end )
from @table

If they are something else, like line feed (ASCII 10) then just adjust the char(##) accordingly.

this will work:

select * from tablename where regexp_like(colname,'^(Name)(.*)$');

sql server equivalent:

select substr(colname,CHARINDEX('Name ',colname)+5,8) from tablename where  

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