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sort array lexicographically in javascript

Why does this code

["Q", "fP", "AQ", "L"].sort((a,b) => a.localeCompare(b))

give this result:

["AQ", "fP", "L", "Q"]

I thought it would give me this (and that's what I need):

["AQ", "L", "Q", "fP"]

All uppercase letters come before lower case letters chortle.ccsu.edu/java5/Notes/chap92/ch92_2.html

Don't use localeCompare() , just use sort() directly

 let myArray = ["Q", "fP", "AQ", "L"]; myArray.sort(); console.log(myArray);

Interestingly enough, the following works in NodeJS, but not in Browser JavaScript. This is because the ECMAScript standard doesn't dictate which sorting algorithm to use, so it's up the each browser and/or NodeJS to dictate

let myArray = ["Q", "fP", "AQ", "L"];
myArray.sort((a, b) => a > b);

NodeJS Demo




Try this:

 let myArray = ["Q", "fP", "AQ", "L"]; myArray.sort((a, b) => a > b ? 1 : -1); console.log(myArray);

Don't use localeCompare() , just use sort() directly. As below:

["Q", "fP", "AQ", "L"].sort();

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