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Rails app only adding “created_at” and “updated_at” to DB

(using sqlit3)

I've just succeeded in making form submission work- however, all the fields aren't submitted. Only Rails' default "updated_at" and "created_at" values are.

Code is in this post.

You need to permit the attributes that can be used by the controller for updation/creation. In your case you need to permit the fields name and recipe .

In your controller methods,change recipe_params like this :

def recipe_params
    recipe_params = params.require(:recipe).permit(:name,:recipe)

and in your create method, call the method recipe_params instead of directly using params[:recipe] to create . ie:

 def create
    @recipe = Recipe.create(recipe_params)
    if @recipe.save
        redirect_to recipe_new_path

This should work.

Add this to the Recipe Controller

def recipe_params
 recipe_params = params.require(:recipe).permit(:name,:recipe)

this method allows you select parameters to be added

create action as usual

def create
 @recipe = Recipe.create(recipe_params)
 if @recipe.save
    redirect_to recipe_new_path

then your form should look like this,pay attention to the :recipe symbol

<%= form_for :recipe do |f| %>
<%= f.label :name, "Recipe Name:" %>
<%= f.text_field :name %>
<%= f.label :recipe, "Recipe Description:" %>
<%= f.text_field :recipe %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>

Note in your form,you had this @recipe instead of :recipe ,hence that resulted in the missing param error message,just make sure you have the same variable in the controller and form.

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