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I'm trying to copy one text file to another using c

I'm trying to copy one test file to another in C. However my code is not working the program runs fine and produces a file CircleCode_temp but there is nothing in the text file. Any ideas why its not working

   #include <stdio.h>
   #include <stdlib.h>

   char c; 

  int main(int argc, char **argv)

  FILE *orginalFile = fopen("CircleCode1", "r");
  FILE *newFile = fopen("CircleCode_temp", "w");

    if (orginalFile == NULL | newFile == NULL)
       printf("Cannot open file");

      while((c = fgetc(orginalFile))!=EOF)
         c = fgetc(orginalFile);


     return 0;
  while((c = fgetc(orginalFile))!=EOF)
     c = fgetc(orginalFile);

Two mistakes here:

  1. You call fgetc twice in the loop, which throws every other character away.

  2. You compare c to EOF . You're suppose to compare the return value of fgetc to EOF . If you think they're the same, remember that c is of type char and fgetc returns an int .


    if (orginalFile == NULL | newFile == NULL)

One mistake here. You have | which is bitwise OR, but you want || , which is a logical OR.

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