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Split string with numbers

I've been trying to split a string by numbers. Basically I have a string such as:

"10x + 10"

JS splits it and gets:

["+10x", "+10"]

I've tried doing this a few times but haven't hit success. If I understand it right I just need to split it by + - / * . My best attempt was this:

var statement = ["10x + 10"]
var spliters = ['+', '-', '*', '/'];

for (i = 0; i < spliters.length; i++) {
    for (o = 0; o < statement.length; o++) {
        statement[o] = statment[o].split(spliters[i]);
        for (p = 0; p < statment[o].length - 1; p++) {
            statement[o][p] = spliters[i] + statement[o][p];
        statement = flatten(statement);

But it doesn't work. Also I only want + and - to be in front on the array elements and not * and / . If anyone could help me with this is would be much appreciated.

Keep in mind that Array.prototype.split() can take a regular expressions:

let str = "10x + 10";
let arr = str.split(/[+|-|\*|/]/);
console.log(arr); // output: ["10x ", " 10"];

This is not a good way to parse arithmetical expressions, though. To do that, I recommend the Shunting-yard algorithm .

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