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kth order statistic in range [i, j]

There is a problem but I can't find a efficient algorithm for it.


Given an array of numbers a[1], ..., a[n] , we get queries of the kind:

  • SELECT(i, j, k) : find k-th smallest number in range [i, j] after sorting a[i], a[i+1], ..., a[j]
  • SET(i, value) : perform a[i] = value



5 5 // n = 5 (size of array), m = 5 (number of query)
5 10 9 6 7
select 2 4 1
select 2 4 2
set 3 12
set 4 15
select 2 4 1



I think that we can implement this with Merge Sort Tree ( Special segment tree ). I found this in internet: merge sort tree for range order statistics

but because we can change array value, this algorithm in not efficient.
Is it possible to help me, How can I implement it efficiently?

I don't know about the merge-sort-tree but I can think of different data-structure / algorithm that gives you the desire output in O(n) per query.

Notice solution for this problem depends on the distribution between SET and SELECT queries -> I assume there are more SELECT 's so I tried to lower that complexity. If you have more SET 's then I would use @miradham answer:

        david    miradham 
SET      O(n)      O(1)
SELECT   O(n)      O(nlogn)
Space    O(n)      O(n)

Both solution are space complexity of O(n) .

In your question you used indexes that start from 1 -> I will modify it to start from 0.

Let look at your example: a = array (5, 10, 9, 6, 7) . As pre-processing we will create sorted array that contains also the original index of the elements -> b = array(5(0), 6(3), 7(4), 9(2), 10(1)) when the number in bracket is the index in the original array a . This can be done in O(nlogn) .

How do we deals with the queries?

SELECT(i, j, k) :

let cnt = 1;
for m in b (sorted array)
    if m(index) <= i && m(index) <= j // the index is in given range
        if (cnt == k)
            return k // found the k lowest
        else cnt++

This is O(n) as you loop over b

SET(i, value) :

Changing a is easy and can be done in O(1) . Changing b :

originalValue = a[i] // old value
Add [value(i)] to b as new element // O(logn) as b sorted
Remove [originalValue(i)] from b // b sorted but array implementation may cause O(n)

Total of O(n)

If further explanation is needed feel free to ask. Hope that helps!

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