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Is it possible to start a bash script in debug mode (bash -x) when using Slurm?

When running a bash script on a local machine, one can use bash -x script.sh to run it in debug mode.

Is it possible with sbatch script.sh to specify a parameter in order to also run the script in debug mode on a cluster?

I couldn't find a hint for such a debug mode in the man pages for sbatch.

As the user Poshi suggested, I added the option set -x to the beginning of my script and now the bash script is run in debug mode.


set -x

#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node 1
#SBATCH --mem=1GB
#SBATCH --partition normal
#SBATCH --time=00:01:00

HELLO="hello there"
echo $HELLO

The slurm output file now looks like this:

cat *out
+ HELLO='hello there'
+ echo hello there
hello there

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