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I need this SQL statement in JPA

Is it possible to delete multiple rows via JPA in a database table via a specific ID?


Delete from PERSON_LANGUAGE where PERSON_ID = 125;

Thanks in advance!

Down below is what im currently trying to use without any luck!

public void deletePersonLanguageById(PersonLanguage personLanguage){
    PersonLanguage personLanguage1 = em.find(PersonLanguage.class, personLanguage.getPersonId());

I want it to delete everything in my databasetable where the ID = 1

You can use a native query to execute SQL directly against your database

Query q = em.createNativeQuery("DELETE FROM person_language WHERE person_id = 1");

or a JPQL query:

Query q = em.creteQuery("DELETE FROM Person p WHERE p.personId = 1");

You can create a custom repository that extends from the JPA Repository and there you add the deleteByPersonId(String personId) .

Some more examples here: https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/jpa/docs/current/reference/html/#repositories.query-methods.details

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