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how to save the data entered in the textbox in excel using openpyxl

i made a program that will input the invoice number and search the excel file(ref my previous question : How to extract a particular row value on inputting value of a particular row ),

now i want to save the data fetched by the program into a new excel file using openpyxl, but i dont know what is the solution to this, i am using python 3.7.0.

my code is

from tkinter import *
import openpyxl

def update_text(info):
    book_info.delete(1.0, 'end')
    book_info.insert('end', info)

def find_book():
    inv_no = inv_field.get()
    if inv_no:
            wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('E:\Library Management\issue.xlsx')
            sheet = wb.active
            for row in sheet.rows:
                # assume invoice no is in column 1
                if row[0].value == inv_no:
                    update_text('\n'.join(str(cell.value) if cell.value else '' for cell in row))
            update_text('Book not found')

a = Tk()
a.title('Return Book')
heading = Label(a,text = 'Return Book')
heading.grid(row = 0,column = 1)
lab1 = Label(a,text = 'Enter Invoice Number:')
lab1.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
inv_field = Entry(a)
inv_field.grid(row = 1, column = 1)
find = Button(a,text = 'Find',width = 4,command =find_book)
find.grid(row = 2, column = 1)
book_info = Text(a, width=40, height=5)
book_info.grid(row = 3 ,column = 1)


how can i do this and how can i save the data displayed ,in a new excel file

I am not sure how it is done in openpyxl, but in xlwt it is .save(). Try running a print(help(wb)), should tell you all submethods on that object.

You can create another workbook and write the result into the active sheet. Then save the workbook to file. Below is an sample code:

outwb = openpyxl.Workbook()
ws = outwb.active
ws.append([1, 2, 3, 4])

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