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Kotlin: Returning Array<E> from function with return type Array<I> if E is enum class that implements interface I

Recently I ran into a problem where I had a function which had to return an Array of I s, in form of all values of enum E , with E implementing interface I , with every code that came to my mind compiler complained about type mismatch:

Error:(x, x) Kotlin: Type mismatch: inferred type is Array<E> but Array<I> was expected

A minimal example:

    interface I {}
    enum class E: I {
        A, B, C;
    fun getMoreInterfaces(): Array<I> {
        return E.values()

This happens when trying to assign E.values() to variable of type Array<I> I am positive that this should be possible since E implements I .

Another thing that I came up while testing is that it works just fine when used like this:

    interface I {}
    enum class E: I {
        A, B, C;
    fun getMoreInterfaces(): Array<I> {
        return arrayOf(E.A, E.B, E.C)

I did a lot of searching on this topic but with no luck (perhaps I chose the wrong way to describe it?)

In Kotlin, unlike Java, Array<T> is invariant on T , so, for E that is a subtype of I , Array<E> and Array<I> are not subtypes of each other. See: Variance .

Given that the Array<T> types also store the item type and cannot be subject to fully unchecked casts , your best way to solve this is to create a separate array.

You can do that by either creating an array manually and filling it with the items, like in your example (or by using the constructor Array(n) { ... } ), or use .toTypedArray() applied to the list representation of the array ( .asList() ):

fun getMoreInterfaces(): Array<I> {
    return E.values().asList().toTypedArray()

(runnable sample)

But basically, you can just go with a List<I> if you are not in performance-critical code, which is more idiomatic for Kotlin than working with arrays, and also simpler.

See also: Difference between List and Array types in Kotlin

Array is an invariant generic type in Kotlin, so if you need to return an instance of Array<I> , you can't return Array<E> instead, even if E is a subtype of I .

But in case if you are only consuming values from the returned array, you can declare its type as Array<out I> . This type is a covariant projection of type Array<I> and it allows you to return both Array<I> and Array<E> .

interface I {}
enum class E: I {
    A, B, C
fun getMoreInterfaces(): Array<out I> {
    return E.values()

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