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How to specify to use Convert.DBNull automatically as sql parameter value when the original parameter is null in c#?

I need to use Convert.DBNull for every single null value while adding parameters of sqlCommands. It's tedious because I have a lot of sql commands. So it would be lot easier if there is any way like setting this Object(Convert.DBNull)as parameter whenever it gets a null value as parameter.

Example: I have a code like this:

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MasterLastModifiedBy", Master.LastModifiedBy);

As variables like Master.LastModifiedBy might be null sometimes, therefore I have to reformat that into this:

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MasterLastModifiedBy", Master.LastModifiedBy?? Convert.DBNull);

I don't want to do this reformatting in all parameters. So, what else can I do to resolve this problem?

I would suggest using an ORM Library of some sort. Dapper or Entity Framework would be good places to start.

Or you can write your own method to add a null check to each parameter.

Finally (specifically) thinking about last modified date, you could always set it, which would probably simplify a bunch of queries


Your extension method could look like this:

public static class SqlExtensions // needs to be in a static class
    public static void AddWithValueAndNullCheck(this SqlParameterCollection collection, string parameterName, object value)
        if (object == null)
            collection.AddWithValue(parameterName, DBNull.Value);
            collection.AddWithValue(parameterName, value);

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