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update json element in json object using python

Here is my json object in python

json1 = {

json2 = {

I want to update results element in json1 object using json2 in python

json1 = {

can you please let me know how to do it

If the type of json1 and json2 are dict you can use

json1['result'] = json2

but if they are strings at first you must use json.loads for json1 and json2 and use mentioned code for updating the value.

import json
json1['result'] = json2

The easey way is reassign your new dict into existing key.

>>> json1 = { "success": True, "message":"", "result":[{ "MarketName":"USDT-BTC" }]}
>>> json2 = { "success1":True }
>>> json1['result'] = json2
>>> json1
{'success': True, 'message': '', 'result': {'success1': True}}

You may access into a key using dict["key"] and assign a new value dict["key"] = new_value .

Depends on you want to do, you should iterate over an array (whether if you had) changing this value or any action you need to do.


You can use json library for serializing and deserializing JSON data.

In [1]: import json

In [2]: json1 = '{ "success": true, "message":"", "result":[{ "MarketName":"USDT-BTC" }]}'

In [3]: json2 = '{ "success1":true }'

In [4]: dict1 = json.loads(json1) # Deserialize a str or unicode instance containing a JSON document to a Python object

In [5]: dict2 = json.loads(json2)

In [6]: dict1
Out[6]: {u'message': u'', u'result': [{u'MarketName': u'USDT-BTC'}], u'success': True}

In [7]: dict2
Out[7]: {u'success1': True}

In [8]: dict1['result'] = dict2

In [9]: dict1
Out[9]: {u'message': u'', u'result': {u'success1': True}, u'success': True}

In [10]: final_json = json.dumps(dict1) # Serialize obj to a JSON formatted str

In [11]: final_json
Out[11]: '{"message": "", "result": {"success1": true}, "success": true}'

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