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Python extract values from JSON variable - TypeError: string indices must be integers

I got dictionary from code below following this SO link

and need to get Application name,source and message for every key in dictionary so i tried to transfer it in JSON file

 if mail["Subject"].find("example error alert") > 0 :
          body = get_email_body(mail)
          info = {}
          segments = body.split(' ')
          for line in body.splitlines():
            if 'Application name' and 'null' in line:
                 info['test'] = segments[0] + ' ' + segments[1] + ' ' + segments[2]  + ' ' + segments[3] + ' ' + segments[4]
            elif 'Application name' in line:
                 info['test'] = segments[0] + ' ' + segments[1] + ' ' + segments[2]  + ' ' + segments[3] + ' ' + segments[4] + ' ' + segments[5] + segments[6] + ' ' + segments[7] +  ' ' + segments[8] + ' ' + segments[9]
            r = json.dumps(info['test'])
            loaded_r = json.loads(r)

i have this dictionary


Application name: example.service
Source: example_host_1|exampleHost1
Timestamp: 2019-01-22T00:00:43.901Z

Application name: example.api
Source: example_host_2|exampleHost2
Timestamp: 2019-01-23T07:42:12.649Z
Message: HTTP"GET" "/api/endpoint/groups" responded 500

i converted it to JSON without error

r = json.dumps(info['test'])
          loaded_r = json.loads(r)

and when try extract Application_name from it:

loaded_r['Application name']

or Source


i'm getting TypeError: string indices must be integers

as suggested by duplicate link tried also print (loaded_r['Source'][0]) and print(str(r['Source'])) but the same

Message body example (used segments to leave only first some lines to remove duplicates):

Source: example_host_1
Timestamp: 2019-01-22T00:00:43.901Z

Message: null

For instructions please see: wiki_link

Application name: example.api
Source: example_host_2
Timestamp: 2019-01-23T07:42:12.649Z
Message: HTTP "GET" "/api/endpoint/groups" responded 500 in 7795.6441 ms

Application name: service.API
Source: example_host_2
Timestamp: 2019-01-23T07:42:12.646Z
Message: Unhandled exception

For instructions please see: example_wiki_link

Dictionary stored in info variable

{'test': '\r\nApplication name: app.service\r\nSource: example_host_1\r\nTimestamp: 2019-01-22T00:00:43.901Z\r\nMessage:'}
{'test': '\r\nApplication name: app.API\r\nSource: adc266f53205\r\nTimestamp: 2019-01-23T07:42:12.649Z\r\nMessage: HTTP"GET" "/api/endpoint/groups" responded 500'}


I think i'm good now, made some "mumbo-jumbo" but it works, converted dictionary to string and then used regex.Thanks everyone

res = ','.join([','.join(i) for i in info.items()])
          x = res.replace('test,','')

          regex1=r'Application name:\s*(.+?)\s+Source'
          regex3 = r'(?<!^)Message:\s*.*'
          a = re.findall(regex1 ,x)
          b = re.findall(regex2 ,x)
          c = re.findall(regex3, x)
          print (a, b, c)

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