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How to access files in a Powershell Binary Module FileList Property

I have a file bundled with a powershell binary module. It has a line in the manifest which details the attached file.

# List of all files packaged with this module
FileList = @(".\assets\MoonPhase.sqlite")

This FileList preoperty seems to be pretty useless, just as a note?

List of all files packaged with this module. As with ModuleList, FileList is to assist you as an inventory list, and is not otherwise processed.

How can I then access this file relative the the module root from a cmdlet?

The following seems to be evaluated only when called when the cmndlet is called from a script. Therefore it is not really part of the module but the invocation as the name would suggest.

string path = this.MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot + "\\assets\\MoonPhase.sqlite";
string path = this.MyInvocation.PSCommandPath + "\\assets\\MoonPhase.sqlite";

The following seems a poor choice

string path = @"C:\Users\Me\Path\Project\bin\Debug\netstandard2.0\assets\MoonPhase.sqlite";

The FileList Property is available inside the MyInvocation object and the files listed in the manifest have absolute paths.

string path = MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.FileList

It's an IEnumerable so need to get a string out of it with linq, a loop or by casting.

string path = MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.FileList.First();

The following is also useful for forming relative paths

string path = MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.ModuleBase

string path = MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.ModuleBase + "\\OtherFile.txt"

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