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Data-Structure conversion of Fields for csv output

I´m still new to this and im wondering, if there is an easier way, to separate text. Right now i`m working in excel and have multiple Data in one Cell. Separating them is no fun 😊 Actually my data, a class of three fields(), looks like this (Each A can have mupltiple B; Each B has 7x C):

A, “B1,B2”, “C1,C2,C3,…, C14”

And I´d like to fill/save it like this:

A, B1, C1

A, B1, C2

A, B1, C7

A, B2, …

This is my code:

class Heroes1Item(scrapy.Item):
    hero_name = scrapy.Field()
    hero_builds = scrapy.Field()
    hero_buildskills = scrapy.Field()


import scrapy
from heroes1.items import Heroes1Item
from scrapy import Request, Item, Field

class Heroes1JobSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = 'heroes1_job'
    allowed_domains = ['icy-veins.com']
    start_urls = ['https://www.icy-veins.com/heroes/assassin-hero-guides']

    def parse(self, response):
        heroes_xpath = '//div[@class="nav_content_block_entry_heroes_hero"]/a/@href'
        for link in response.xpath(heroes_xpath).extract():
            yield Request(response.urljoin(link), self.parse_hero)

    def parse_hero(self, response):
        hero_names = response.xpath('//span[@class="page_breadcrumbs_item"]/text()').extract()
        hero_buildss = response.xpath('//h3[@class="toc_no_parsing"]/text()').extract()
        hero_buildskillss = response.xpath('//span[@class="heroes_build_talent_tier_visual"]').extract()

        for item in zip(hero_names, hero_buildss, hero_buildskillss):
            new_item = Heroes1Item()
            new_item['hero_name'] = item[0]
            #new_item['hero_builds'] = item[1]    DATALOSS
            #new_item['hero_buildskills'] = item[2]    DATALOSS
            new_item['hero_builds'] = response.xpath('//h3[@class="toc_no_parsing"]/text()').extract()
            new_item['hero_buildskills'] = response.xpath('//span[@class="heroes_build_talent_tier_visual"]').extract()
            yield new_item

Thanks for your help and any ideas!

I think the problem lies in this part: zip(hero_names, hero_buildss, hero_buildskillss) . If I understand correctly you want to make the carthesian product of the 3 lists, which you can do like this:

import itertools 

hero_lists = [hero_names, hero_buildss, hero_buildskillss]
for item in itertools.product(*hero_lists):
    new_item = Heroes1Item()
    new_item['hero_name'] = item[0]
    new_item['hero_builds'] = item[1]
    new_item['hero_buildskills'] = item[2]
    yield new_item

If there is a dependency between hero-builss & herobuildskillss, the below might work better:

hero_names = response.xpath('//span[@class="page_breadcrumbs_item"]/text()').extract()
hero_builds_xpath = response.xpath('//*[@class="heroes_build"]')
for hero_build_xpath in hero_builds_xpath:
    hero_buildss = hero_build_xpath.xpath('.//h3[@class="toc_no_parsing"]/text()').extract()
    hero_buildskillss = hero_build_xpath.xpath('.//span[@class="heroes_build_talent_tier_visual"]').extract()
    new_item = Heroes1Item()
    new_item['hero_name'] = hero_names
    new_item['hero_builds'] = hero_buildss
    new_item['hero_buildskills'] = hero_buildskillss
    yield new_item

You can use a function to split build skills in chunks (like chunks() here ) and do something in the lines of:

for item in zip(hero_names, hero_buildss, hero_buildskillss):
    builds = response.xpath('//h3[@class="toc_no_parsing"]/text()').extract()
    skills = response.xpath('//span[@class="heroes_build_talent_tier_visual"]').extract()
    skill_chunks = chunks(skills, 7)
    for build, skill_chunk in zip(builds, skill_chunks):
        for skill in skill_chunk:
            new_item = Heroes1Item()
            new_item['hero_name'] = item[0]
            new_item['hero_build'] = build
            new_item['hero_buildskill'] = skill
            yield new_item

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