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Azure IoT SDK C Set up a macOS (Mac OS X) development environment

Pulled down the MXCHIP basic example for Azure IoT Central as is and get this error.

sketch/src/iotc/sdk_plat/iotc.cpp:14:53: fatal error: azure_prov_client/prov_security_factory.h: No such file or directory

I'm pretty sure I need to Set up a macOS (Mac OS X) development environment , but I'm getting stuck at the Building the C SDK with CMake directly step. I use cmake to build the SDK and then what? Even after completing this setup I am stilling getting this missing library error.

Resolved this following this thread on Required SDKs for Arduino IDE .

New issue discovered compiling the Arduino sketch gave me an " undeclared functions prov_dev_set_symmetric_key_info and hsm_client_set_registration_name_and_key " error. Click to link for this new error for progress on resolution.

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